Resistance – Part of our hero’s journey

So it’s been quite some time since my last post – again… I think it’s just been about a year since I last posted on this blog of mine saying that I would restart posting… thankfully my grand audience is basically myself and he doesn’t frequent this site if I don’t… lol But I digress, I think being able to have this small corner of the World Wide Web and being able to express myself in a format that is not quite a private journal, as it is the internet after all with everything I do or say being recorded for all eternity, it is something cathartic and healing. I feel that when I am writing and sharing my story, with the potential of it reaching someone, I feel closer, in a way, to what I feel is my personal hero’s journey. Facing the inner beast of apathy that is holding me back from sharing my “art”. Yes, it is art. Though not in the traditional sense – I believe that everything that one does from the heart is his/her art. Their life’s art – the grandest kind there is. So I continue to strive and fight this inner monster, the resistance, that is holding me back from following my true calling – whatever that may be. Coming back again, having been beaten (i.e., stopped posting and sharing) but not defeated. So with some trepidation I am ready to announce that I have finally gotten around to restart my old podcast. This time under a new name and banner. Can you guess? It will be called, …. (drum roll) …. eponymous to my site, Amused Hermit. I don’t actually remember why I even bought this domain name in the first place. But I believe I have had it for at least a few years now, gathering dust (or whatever its equivalent is in cyberspace) in the netscape. But here it will be. The very first episodes ready to be posted this weekend! Now it is simply a matter of rebuilding those old muscles that have been unused for far too long. But now I am back. Hopefully, wiser, better, and with a clearer message to be shared. I continue my hero’s journey and face up to resistance once again. Face up, looking straight ahead, even though I don’t know exactly what it is I am doing, taking that one step forward, eager to see what happens and what thing I will see across the next bend.