I was inspired to start this site to help others like me who have struggled and have gone through or still are going through tough times. I’ve followed several great blogs, writers and podcasters who have managed to succeed after going through their own dark days. Their success is inspiring and does keep me motivated to press on, even when it’s difficult.
However, my story is not one of success per se. You won’t hear stories of how I make a seven figure income working from home, or how I’ve used my passion to create a business where I am throughly enjoying every second of my life. At least not yet.
I guess my message is simply one of trying. Though I haven’t reached my goals (yet) I hope that my journey, failings and small success will be a small light to spark your journey.
I’m working on my mindset every day. I sometimes forget but it’s a process, a journey and I know if I keep it up, stay focused and act, I will soon be sharing my successes and how I’ve been able to achieve it.
But I’m still on my journey. And I’m learning to love it. It really is good to be alive!
You must first be how you really are, then do what you need to do, in order to have what you want.
– Margaret Young